2011-03-29 00:00:00 +0000
Made this alias to open github urls in my browser. I’m using the python webbrowser module to launch the default browser. [alias] hub = !git remote -v|sed -e 's@.*git:\\(.*\\).git.*@http:\\1@'|xargs python -c "'import sys,webbrowser as w;w.open(sys.argv[1]);'" Turns out I missed some cases with my previous sedexpression, this one is better. ` [alias] #os x (faster): hub = !git remote -v sed “‘s .git[:@]\(.\).git.* http://\1 ;s m: m/ ’” uniq xargs open #platform independent (slower, but it works on linux too): hub = !git remote -v sed “‘s .git[:@]\(.\).git.* http://\1 ;s m: m/ ’” uniq xargs python -c “‘import sys,webbrowser as w;w.open(sys.argv[1]);’” ` If you want to launch slightly faster you can avoid launching a python process by calling into your browser directly. Here is a firefox example, other browsers should be similar. ` [alias] hub = !git remote -v sed “‘s .git[:@]\(.\).git.* http://\1 ;s m: m/ ’” uniq While we are the subject of git aliases here is an gitx/gitk/gitwhatever-ish view using just git log [alias] lg = log –pretty=oneline –all –graph –abbrev-commit –decorate `